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Radical-Lookup Window
Here's the Radical-Lookup Window:

This is where you can search for kanji by radical.

(Note: this is wholly dependent on radkfile.dat).

NOTE: Radical-lookup is disabled when either 1) a search is going on, or 2) a dictionary is being loaded. Press Escape to stop either of these.

Click on a radical, and all kanji known to have that radical show up in the Kanji Window (this can take a bit for really common radicals). Each successive click will narrow the choices down.

If you right-click on a radical, it will bring up the following menu:

Search for kanji
This forces JLookUp to look for the radicals specified. This is useful if you have the radicals selected, but you did a normal search and cleared the radical-result kanji.
Toggle this radical
The same as clicking on the radical.
(Clear radicals)
Uncheck every radical.

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